"The Count of Monte Cristo" is one of my favorite novels. It was written by Alexandre Dumas in 1844. In the novel the events pass in France, Italy and some Mediterranean Islands.
      The story is about a young ignorant sailor called Edmond Dantes that has a bright future. At the same  time there are people that are jealousy of him.
      He gets stuck into the political games of the time just before the Hundred days in the year 1815 that would bring back Napoleon. He goes to prison over the betrayal of people he holds dear. He spends 14 years there.

 In the prison he discovers the truth and decides to take revenge of them. He escapes from prison and gets very rich through his cellmate. With his new name he stars a new life with keeping in mind the old one.
      Even when he acquires a unique wealth and lives a luxurious life he would never give up from his
request for revenge.

      Not only people who stole his years and turned his life into a nightmare, also their family will be punished. His plans also have devastating consequences for the innocent as well as the guilty.
      This book considered a literary classic today. I suggest this book to those who want to go on a exciting  adventure. It’s an impressive book.
A 11-A