Have you ever heard about Yarn Bombing or Yarn Bombers? No?
                                       Then feel free to check this article and learn some fun things!

                                                              WHAT'S YARN BOMBING?

Yarn Bombing is a street art that employs colorful knits or crochet or any other fiber material instead of paint in public places, so Yarn Bombers are peace willing, lovely street artist. They yarn bomb trees, cracket roads, stair edges and everything meaningful. But it's also used in "indoors".

 Are you from those people who are afraid of their children to get hurt, while playing around because of the sharp areas in the house? Or are you just bored from the color of your furniture? Then you can relax, because Yarn Bombers are the new BFF's of Interior Designers. They yarn bomb stair railings, doors, table corners, wardrobe edges, chair legs and everything you think is dangerous. Or boring.

 You don't have to know how to knit to be a Yarn Bomber, actually many of them don't. If you have left over yarn or recycled sweaters, then this is a fun and creative way to use them. Collage them together and start yarn bombing everywhere. You think that trees are cold in winter? Then yarn bomb them warmly. You are bored of your book's look? Then yarn bomb it colorfully.

             Knitting a scarf can be boring but yarn bombing a pine tree with flowers is fun, indeed.

                                                                                                                      Medine ISRAPILOVA