Wushu is a chinese spor.Chinese people do this sport because it is their belief and it is good for their healt.This sport is very important for chinese.they start doing this sport when they are children and they do this sport till death.This sport is the most important lesson in their schools.They have this lesson even at universty.This sport has got a lot of parts ;changquen,daoshu,jıanshu,sanda,qingda…in china a chinese person choose one of this parts and he/she always engages in this part .

İn our country there is a federation about wushu.The head of the federation is Abdurrahman AKYÜZ.He is a Professional sportsman.His wife and his children are sportspeople too.His oldest doughter is Elif AKYÜZ. She has got a lot of medals and she won first medal at world championship last year. This sport is not very popular in Turkey for now. But I am sure it will be very popular in future.
If you want to learn more about this sport please visit the site of Turkish wushu federation ; http://www.twf.gov.tr/

by  Ş.Müberra UYSAL.