The word dinosaur means "terrible lizard". Dinosaurs lived on Earth millions of years ago. Some of them were huge, and other were small. One type og dinosaur was only as big as a chicken.
Dinosaurs lived on every contient, even Antarctica. So , no matter where we live now, dinosaurs lived there many years before us.

Dinosaur Facts:

  • There were hundreds of different kinds of dinosaurs.
  • We don't know what color dinosaurs really were.
  • Some dinosaurs ate plants and others ate meat.

Plant-eating Dinosaurs:


Height: 2.7 to 5 metres                                            
Weight: 3 tonnes
Walked on four legs.


Height:12-16 metres                                
Weight: 30-80 tonnes                                    
Walked on four legs.                                


Height:7.9-9 metres
Weight:6.1-12 tonnes
Walked on four legs.

Meat-eating Dinosaurs:

Tryannosaurus rex:

Height:6 metres
Weight:7 tonnes
Walked on two legs.


Height:2.8 metres
Weight:2.5 tonnes
Walked on two legs.


Height:30 metres
Weight:200 pounds
Walked on two legs, could fly.

                                                                       Medine ISRAPILOVA