Hi ! My name is Ronte. I live in an anthill with my family. Honestly I'm so self-importence. Because I require grondiose. Generally other ants admire to me. So I believe that I'm special. And I deciced that I'm going to own the whole world, I'm going to be the biggest ant of all.      Firstly I want to rent a house by the sea for develop my idea. But I haven't got enough money. So I started to sell doughnuts till nights. Day by day, I should earn much more money. The life is so hard as an ant. Two days ago, Rach saw me. He lacks empathy, arrogant and rich. He is the most impulsive ant in my city. Thus, nobody doesn't like him even somebody hate him, like me. He came towards me. At that moment, I was selling doughnuts to some tourists. But he lied to them ' No no ! Don't buy it ! Because I bought it last night, but it was so tasteless and I couldn't eat. ' Therefore they didn't buy anything. When they went, he started to laugh. As you can see, whenever he has the chance, he does evil. I was very angry because of him but I stopped myself and sit without speaking. We looked at each other nervously for a few seconds. After that he turned around and went away. I know that what will I do with him when I own the whole world.

    By the way, note to reader; I'm not kidding.

By Beyza Özdin