Puns are the words which have double meanings. They are not only funny but also interesting. Let’s see whether you can figure out the ones below.

 ·   I don’t trust these stains because they’re always up to something.
       ·    I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put ·    A bicycle can’t stand on it’s own because its two-tired.
       ·   Don’t trust people who do acupuncture, they’re back stabbers.
             ·   My friend’s bakery burned down last night, Now his business is toast.

Need help? Let’s take a look at some words’ meanings:

Up to:
1.       Planning something.
2.       Stairs lead you somewhere up.

Put down: Leaving something on a ground.
1.       Due to anti-gravity, nothing can stand espocially on a ground.
2.       Putting down the book

Two-tired: Two-tired sounds like “too tired”

Back stabbers: Acupuncture is a kind of a traditional treatment which includes stabbling needles on your back to make you healthier.

Toast: Toasting means burning something and making a sandwich which is heated and pressed. There are two meanings.
1.       His bakery burned down so it is toasted.
2.       Now his business is making toasts.

Puns are fun to read. First time you read, you may not understand them. But if you keep reading, you will start to understand and enjoy. I know they’re a little trickey but that’s why they are funny. I hope you enjoyed this article. Thanks for reading!

 Abdullah Taha Yüksek