We live in a world which is full of war, crime and corruption. Every minute someone dies, someone cries and someone is in pain.
 We are Muslims .We know what really pain is. Nobody want us to be strong because their devilish beliefes don't let them .Especially in the Middle East which is really rich in terms of natural resources and now in Syria there is war. Millions of people; children, women, men migrated to Turkey. Turkey, as a Muslim country, opened her doors refugee brothers unlike supposedely other "Muslim countries" like Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab emirates which refused to take even a single Syrian refugee. The prophet Muhammad (pbuh) declared all his followers as one ummah. Being a part of this great ummah, this forms the basic responsibility of stronger Muslim country to reach out to the weaker ones for help. Hazrat Muhammad and his companions migrated from Mecca to Medina after 13 years. They spent their life trying to spread Islam and all the tortures they had been exposed . Namely they migrated from undesirable environment to desirable place to fulfill Allah's command. It was migration from a plot that was set by the leaders of Quraysh whose purpose was to destroy the foundation of Islamic state. But their treacherous plot was destroyed by this migration. Medina welcomed them really well. They had been looking forward to their coming for 15 days.
Yes they migrated for us but today what are we doing? We don't even face almost any hardships but still, we cannot fulfill our responsibilities towards our Creator Allah. For example we can emigrate from one room where there is television to a room where there is Quran. Actually every single action to escape from sins is hijra like our prophet did. We are his followers, we are his Ummah. We have to stand by ourselves. We have to be a single soul in the same body. We cannot ignore our muslim brother's dying. Our goal is simple; “being a real Muslim ummah"

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