Aşura is a desert. Aşura was made at Nuh prophet's ship for the first time. Today people cook this special desert and share it with their neighbours and relatives to remember Nuh prophet.

If you want to cook Aşure; here is the list of ingredients : a glass of wheat, a glass of chickpea, a glass of rice, a glass of grape, a glass of bean, a glass of apricot, a glass of fig, a glass of sugar, 4-5 cornation, pomegranate, cinnaman, nut, corn and hzelnut .

My grandma makes aşura perfectly. We go to her house every aşura day. At grandparents' garden fire burns and the big cauldran boils. And than my grandma moves near the cauldran. She mixes the cauldran with a scoop. We bring the ingrediets one by one to her. After it ripens, we pour it into small bowls. And we distribute these bowls to neighbours.
   Aşura is the symbol of solidarity. It is very important tradotion. It means sharing and so we like aşura.

by Şeymanur Durmaz