Yagami Light is an extremely intelligent young man. While he was in the lesson, he saw a falling book from the sky. When the lesson finished he went to garden to find this book. This page was about how to use the death note. It was English. so; he forced, while he was reading it.

There was writing that if a human's name is written with in Death Note, that person shall die in 40 second because of heart attack. Yagami Light stayed in Dilemma about the availability of real. he tried it and realized that the Death Note is real. Death Note is a magical book. There are full 26 rule to use. After, he met with Death Note's owner. He was a Shinigami and name was Ryuk. He was a god of death. Ryuk looks so awful and funny.Ryuk likes to eat apple. Actually he wasn't Kira's friend. even he said to Light, one day i can write your name into the Death note. But Yagami Light ignored it. And he started to change the world using Death Note.

The number of death attravted attention of the International Police Organization. The mysterious detective was L, tried to learn the killer. He said the killer "Kira".(kira means killer in english) he tried to find the killer using incredible ways. But Kira was as intelligent as L.

Misa Amane was owner of another
Death Note like Kira. Her Shinigami's name was Rem.Rem was a very

emotional Shinigami and he always tried to protect Misa Amane from bad things. Kira provoked Rem and Misa Amane. and Kira started to find L with Misa Amane. Because L didn't know there was another Death Note. L had very strange habits. He was very close to his rivals. But rivals, didn't know his closeness. And they weren't realize it. For example; at the first, Kira despised L. When he dispised him, he fell in to the trap of L. When he understood it, it was too late. So ; L was very intellignt person. Already he was the third clever person of the world. And L had an assistant. His name was Watari and he was an old man. He was an inventor. He was a very helpful person but he was killed by Rem.

Towards the end of the film
L killed by... and Ryuk killed a person.
His or her name was....
Who was he/she? was Kira or L? or Misa Amane?

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