The story you are about the read was written in 40 minutes time during a writing activity. It was a guided writing activity and students were given seven random words and they were asked to write a story with those words in it. The random seven words were ; “ball” , “elephant”, “smart” , “ follow”, “buy”, “jacket”, and “milk”. Our friends managed to write a nice story using them. We hope you like it.
Furkan is a student, to be more specific ; he is an average student. He has short, fair hair. He is of medium height and he is a bit thin. He has a nice family. His father is a musician and his mother is a housewife. One day Furkan came from school at the usual time. He threw his school bag on his bed and immediately went out to spend some time with his friends. They started playing football. A friend of his kicked the ball so hard that the ball went out of the field. Furkan ran after to ball to take it back. A child followed him while he was carrying the ball back. Furkan saw the child and he realized that the child looked very sad. The child was wearing a very old and dirty jacket. Furkan gave the ball to his friends and told his friends about the child. They stopped playing and went to see the child. Furkan asked the child what his name was. The child was very shy , they could barely hear his voice. He whispered; “Ali”. They all felt sorry about the way he looked and the way he spoke. Ali told his friends that he would not continue playing. He took Ali with him to his house. On the way to home they did not talk. Ali followed Furkan without uttering a word. Furkan told his mother about Ali when they arrived home. Furkan’s mother understood the situation quickly. She gave them two glasses of milk. They spent some time together. Furkan loved Ali very much. Furkan was very sorry about Ali’s jacket and he spoke to his mother about it. The three of them went to shopping and her mother bought Ali a brand new jacket, a pair of trousers and a smart shirt. Then they went to a restaurant and had a very nice meal. Ali was really happy for the first time in his life. He left Furkan and his mother when the night fell down. Next day Furkan found a toy elephant in front of his house made of mud. He was very confused , he could not understand why was it there or who had put it there. He saw a piece of paper while he was entering his home. He took it and saw that there was something written on it.“ You made me happy, very happy. This toy elephant is all I have. I do not have anything else. I wish I could have given you more. This is yours now. You are my best friend. Thank you for everything.”
By Kübra ÖNER, Hanne Sümeyye KARAKAYA and Esra ALTUNDAL
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