Most people love the stories about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, but not many people can tell you about the man who wrote them. His name was Arthur Conan Doyle.
He was born in Edinburgh on 12nd May 1859 and was one ten children. He did well at school, but didn’t like it very much. He studied medicine and became a doctor. As well us a great writer, he was a good sportsman and a keen photographer. He was also interested in things like ghosts and fairies.
It is surprising that with such a busy life Arthur had time for a family, but in 1885 he married Louise Howkins and they had three children. They travelled all over the world until they returned to England because of Louise’s poor health. She died in 1906. A year later, Doyle married Jean Leckie and moved to Sussex.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a very talented man. His good work and his great books earned him a knighthood. He died in 1930 at age of 81.
by Merve YILDIZ
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