English is the most common language in the world.And speaking English makes our lives easier.There are many things that you can do to improve your English.

First, you should be responsible for your own learning.Of course we have teachers and English lessons but it doesn't mean you don't have responsibilies.You should study on your own at home after school.

Second, you should immerse yourself with English as much as possible.Immerse means to be sorrounded by something.If you do this, your vocabulary improves.
Listen English songs in English.If you listen English songs, you can understand how they speakin daily life.Also, you can learn pronunciation of words with their lyrics.

You should watch TV and movies in English.If you have English channels on your TV.You can watch English movies if you want to watch TV to spend your leisure time.So you can improve your speaking skills.

Writing,too, is important for a language.When you write you make mistakes, never mind making mistakes.If you don't make mistake, you won't learn what is right and wrong.

You can also find websites on Internet.You can follow pages which share English words on Facebook, Twitter, and you should follow your favourite celebreties on the Internet.So you can learn about his/her daily life with English.

Finally, pay attention to how you use English.Think a little about what you will say before it comes of your mouth.But don't be busy with your problems in English if you want to learn and improve your English.There is always a solution to your problems.Keep on studying.

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