Our Voice in English : How old are you ?
Adem Akyazıcı :  32

- Where were you born ?
+ Afyon

- Which schools did you go ?
+ Bolu 50.yıl school, Bolu İmam-Hatip highschool, Samsun 19 Mayıs University.

- Do you know English or another foreign language ?
+ I know English and a bit Arabic.

- What is the importance of foreign language ?
+ ıt is necessary to improve the quality of life.

- What are your hobbies ?
+ Cinema, see new places, music and chat with friends.

- What is your favorite ;
Food : Kuru Fasulye
 Singer : Mirkelam, MFÖ

Film : Back to the Future series
Tv Series: House MD
Actor: Michael J. Fox , Johnny Depp
Director: Robert Zemeckis
 Colour: Yellow

- Did you want to be a teacher when you were young?
+ Absolutely yes!

- Why did you chose geography teaching ?
+ Geography is life itself, the existense of the world.

- Are you pleased with being at this school ?
+ Absolutely

- Are you married ?
+ Yes

- When did you get married ?
+ 2004

- Do you have children ?
+ I have a 7 years old daughter and a 3 years old son.

- What would you want to say to the students ?
+ The only truth they shouldn't forget throughout their lives, the only truth that will provide them to enjoy their lifes, the only truth that will provide them to explore themselves is : LIFE IS ACCEPTANCE !
Accept who you are and accept everybody as they are .

- If you were stranded on a deserted island what would be 3 things you bring with you ?

(The answers of tte other 11 questions took 5 minutes, this questions answers took 10 minutes :O )

( The only questions he was afraid to answer :) )

+1. A computer with internet

2. Free Cinema TV subscription for all life

3. Mirror

Interview by Enes Kaşkaş
Translation by Hava İsrapilova