People always need someone to share their feelings. This person know yourself better than you. This person is your friend.

Everybody say "Your friend is your mirror ." That's true. He/she shows your mistakes and helps you to correct them. When you are sad, you call him/her. When you are happy, you share it with him/her. When you are bored, you spend time with him/her. When you need a consolation, he/she is next to you. When you cry, he/she makes you happy. And when you are confused, he/she finds a solution.

Whatever happens you can't huff to him/her. Because he/she is your mirror and nobody wants to break their mirrors. Even after many years, you tell your secrets to him/her. A friend always keeps your secret. Your achievements make him/her happy. And when you are unsuccessful he/she supports and helps you.

In short, friends are everytime close to us and always they will be. If you have a real friend you never feel alone, because friendship is togetherness. You never feel desperate, because your friend is a source of hope. You never feel scared, because your friend protects you from evil. And you never feel bored, because your friend makes boring things enjoyable.

By Ebrar Gülcan