İsmail Toprak was born in Harmantepe village in HENDEK, SAKARYA . he was born in 1975. He finished his primary school education in that village’s primary school and then began attending Hendek İmam-Hatip High School in 1986. He had a very successful high school life. He was graduated from high school in 1993. Unfortunately he could not enter university the year he was graduated but he did not give up studying . He kept working harder and harder. One year later he won the university exam and he started attending Karadeniz Technical University. His major was History Teaching. He has been teaching history since he was graduated from university. He worked in many different schools around Turkey. Now he Works in our school.
He got married in 2000. He has got two sons. Their names are Abdurrahman Kaan and Arif Cemal. Abdurrahman is nine and Arif is two years old. They love their father very much. His wife is a textile teacher. By the way there is something interesting about him. He earns less Money than her wife does. He does not look very happy with this, though. İsmail Toprak has got a car and a house.
He finished his master’s degree in the History department of Sakarya University in 2002. Nowadays he is studying for his doctorate. For this reason he has to be successful in English.
In the good old days having a trade business of his own was his greatest ambition but now being a tradesman is one of his worst nightmares. He hopes he would be the president of Turkey in the future.
OVE( our voice in english) : Hello, do you think english is an important language ?
İsmail Toprak: Hello, yes it is.
OVE: Why do you think it is important?
İ.T.: The world is becoming a huge village thanks to globalization. Turkey must interact with other countries. People need to communicate if they want to interact. Turkish language is not a global language so we need to use a global language to interact with other countries. It is easy to use the potential of English language than waiting for Turkish language to become a global language.
OVE: DO you use ENglish in your daily life ?
İ.T. : No, unfortunately not.
OVE: Would you like to use it ?
İ.T. : Yes, hopefully I would like to use it in my daily life one day.
OVE: When do you need English most ?
İ.T. : When i go abroad. İ can not understand what is going on around me like other people when i am abroad.
OVE: Would you like to speak any other foreign languages ?
İ.T. : Yes, Arabic.
OVE: thank you very much for your time Mr. Toprak.
By Rümeysa COŞKUN