Imagine if people did not study English, how would they be speaking to foreigners and learning about others ?
In order to sound educated and literate people need to thoroughly study English. It is also heavily needed in the business world as well as your own private world. English also teaches you to communicate and process things more accurately. If we did not have a set English language communicating would be extremely difficult.
The main reason to study English is to sound literate. In order to advance in the Professional world, you must have proper English and a good speech. For example although Prime Minister Mr. Erdoğan is an extremely smart and important person he sometimes has trouble communicating during international meetings. For example at Davos he could only use “one minute”. On the other hand our President Mr. Gül can speak English fluently and thus he has no problems in communicating with other whether in
An additional reason to learn English is communication issue. You are much more accepted in the world if you can portray yourself better. People will think of you in a better and more positive way and you will have a chance of being accepted. You will most likely also have more opportunities in life.
In conclusion there are many reasons as to why studying English is important. One is to sound more educated and literate, the other is to communicate properly with others and another one is that it is important for career advancement and respect in the business world.
Learning English never ends. The best way to learn English is to use it more and more in our daily lives.
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