New Crimes which occur in the new technology "Internet", and technology thefts are called "Hackers" attention all...!
The Law related to computer crime is changing very quickly. Modern criminals are using computers to help them commit crimes like identity theft and to make it easier to commit old crimes like theft or fraud  One issue that makes it hard to fight computer crime is that this type of offence is often more difficult to solve than traditional crimes because the criminals are invisible and their actions may be hard to prove. Another issue is that it is quite difficult to prosecute a computer criminal successfully because usually nothing is actually stolen or physically damaged.
In recent years computer crime has increased as the number of people using the internet to busy things or to access their bank accounts has grown. This new type of business has attracted techno. Criminals who order goods without paying or break into the computer systems of businesses and move money to their own account arsed viruses which can seriously damage computers and the information they contain. These viruses can effect millions of people worldwide.
Criminals can use the internet to plan crimes and pass on confidential information more easily than meetings or telephone conversations. Computers allow criminals access to millions of people whom they may persuade to pay for something worthless.
By Al Heepa ALOLA