
Turkey Volleyball League

Today ; I want to talk about Turkey volleyball league. The league is very important. Because The league has very important volleyball players from all around the world. Acibadem is sponsor of the league. So ; The league's name is Acıbadem Women's Volleyball League. I want to talk about foreign players.

First  Another foreign player is Yeon Koung Kim. She is volleyball player from Fenerbahçe Women's Volleyball team.She is from South Korea  she is volleyball player from south korea.National Women's Volleyball team.She is very talented. Kim is South Korea’s most decorated player with in the last few years.She is a spiker.She chosen ‘Best Scorer’ and ‘Best Spiker’ , 2011 Asian Volleball Championship.

Another foreign player is  Paula Pequeno. Now  ; She is volleyball player from Fenerbahçe Women's Volleyball team. She is a spiker. She is from Brazil. At the same time she is volleyball player from Brazil National Women's Volleyball team. She chosen "Most Valuable Player",2008 Summer Olympics.

Another foreign player is Lindsey Berg.She is from USA.She is a  setter.She is volleyball player from USA National Women’s Volleyball Team. She is new transfer from Fenerbahçe Women's Volleyball team.I think She is very experienced. In my opinion ;She is  The best transfer from 

Another foreign player is Eleonora Lo Bianco.She is from Italia.Currently ; She is Captain of  Italy National Women's Volleyball Team.She is volleyball player from Galatasaray Daikin.She is a setter.She is a important player .

Another foreign player is Rosir Calderón Díaz.She is a Cuban volleyball player.She is a spiker.At the same time she is player from.She is player Galatasaray Daikin.

Another foreign player is Christiane FÜRST.She is from Germany.She is volleyball player from VakıfBank.At the same time She's player from Germany National Women's Volleyball Team.

-Jovana Brakocevic - VakıfBank.
-Liubov Shashkova - Eczacıbaşı Vitra.
-Saori Kımura - VakıfBank.
-Maja Poljak - Eczacıbaşı Vitra.
 -Simona Gioli - Galatasaray Daikin.

And much more...

By Ahsen Karakaş