Omar bin Khattab (ra) is the second caliph of Islam. He came of the Adi branch of the Quraish. Banu Adi were held in great respect. In jahiliyya period, he had strong position in Mecca. He was ambossador of Mecca city-state also he acted as a agent of Quraish for talk to other tribes. And he was interested in trade. He had to travel to other lands. These travels brought him a wide knowledge and a deep understanding.

  He had a hard temperament and  Omar (ra) was one of the people who did not care to listen to the message of Islam, he was side of againts to Islam. He decided to kill Muhammed (sav) but this decision affect on him becoming muslim. According to rumours, while he was going to kill prophet, he met with Nuaym b. Abdullah who said to Omar(ra) that “your sister and her husband became muslim, you should manage your family firstly”. After that, Omar went his sister’s home suddenly. When he came in front of her house, they were reading Quran and they hid pages of Quran. Then Omar beat brother in law and he wanted to see Quran. After he started to read, Quran affected him. And he came to believe Islam. He immadiately asked that where is Muhammed (sav). After all of them, Omar came to near the Prophet Muhammad. The companions of the Prophet Muhammad were worried when they saw Omar. However Omar said “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah. And I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”

    When Hz. Omar became muslim, Polytheists were afraid. So muslims got power. Also muslims prayed easily and openly. Anyone didn’t have courage to disturb muslims. Hz. Omar never needed to hide eventough when muslims hijra from Mecca to Medinah. According to Ali (ra), time to hijra, Hz. Omar took sword and arrow, and went Kaaba then circumambulated seven time around the Kaaba, also performed prayer. Therefore any Polytheists coldn’t prevent to Omar (ra).

     Omar (ra) had active role gettig power of Islam in Madinah time. Muhammed (as) firstly consulted to Hz. Omar if he decided something. Hz. Omar’s ideas were very appropriate so Prophet said that, “ Allah make justice on Omar’s speech and heart.”

   Omar (ra) joined  a lot of wars such as Badr, Uhud, Khaybar etc. Also he was commander of many wars. He was clear to all of events. Moreover he represented justice.
By B.Ebrar Gülcan