Exams are part of our lives.They are always by our side.And even we are always having an exam.For example to be a good man or to be a bad man, to steal or not to steal etc.

Also there are our school exams.They look frightening for some people.But some people are not afraid of exams.Because they are always ready for them.This kind of people's jobs are very easy.All they need to do is taking an exam.And passing it.

Why do we worry about exams?There are a lot of answers for this question.We think about the results of the exam.But we should study more instead of this.And if expectations of families, friends or teachers are very big, the person, who takes exam, will fear exams.The anxiety about forgetting our knowledge during exam is like others.Reason of exam fear are augmentable.

What should we do before exam?

We should study systematically.As a matter of fact.I don't like studying systematically, too, like you.But it is very important to pass exams.

A lot of people forget their learns' %70 in an hour and %80 in a day.So certainly we should repeat our information, if we don't want to forget our information or formulas on the exam.

We should save our psycology to be succesful in an exam.Because our psycology affects everything in our lives.

We should save our health like psycology.Because it is very important for us.An ill person can't attend anything expect himself.And he can't be succesful.

We should make up for our deficiencies.Because we feel restless when we have deficiencies.
I think, we always take exams.So we should pray to Allah to be succesful after we study enough.Because we never succes without studying.

By Mustafa Kalfa