Prayer is one of Islam’s five rules. Prayer became fardh in ascension of our prophet Mohammad (pbuh) . Preconditins of prayer are these ;
1-) Spiritual cleaning : We ablute for it.
Abluting: Take some water your mouth three times. Take some water your nose. Wash your face . Wash your arms . Stroke your head with water. Clean your ears and nape with water. Wash your feet.
2-) We turn towards Kaba.
3-) Physical cleaning : We clean our clothes and prayer place.
4-) Men cover between of their bellies and knees , women cover all over bodies of their hands and faces.
5-)We can pray only during prayer times.
6-) We should intend to pray

    Praying five times in a day is fardh (amust). Fajer prayer consists of four rakats, two rakats are sunnah and two rakats are fardh. Zohr prayer is ten rakats. Six rakats of it are sunnah , four rakats are fardh. Asr prayer is eight rakats. Four rakats of it are sunnah , four rakats are fardh.Maghreeb prayer is five rakats , three rakats are fardh and two rakats are sunnah . Eshaa prayer is ten rakats. Six rakats of it are sunnah and four rakats are fardh. And after eshaa prayer , we pray vitr prayer. It consists of three rakats . It is vaceeb.

     And also funeral and Friday prayers are fardh. But if several people pray funeral prayer , it is enough. Festal prayer is vaceeb. A muslim should be adolescent at the very least and be intelligent to pray. Our prophet Mohammad (pbuh)  said “Prayer is ascension of faithful .” Scil, if we want to communicate with Allah  , we should pray.

     How to pray ? We start praying with takbir ( Allahu Akbar). We say Subhanaka . We say Authubasmala and Fatiha.Then , we say one surah of Qoran and we make ruku. We make sajda two times . And we site on our knees at the end of the second and fourth rakats. There are some sunnah prayers. For example, night prayer (tahajjud) , avvabeen ( after evening  prayer) and gratitude prayer  ….

     Hadrat Mohammad (pbuh) said this for emhasizing of prayer “ Prayer is pillar of the religion.” So we should never cast a damp ever our prayers. I think we become responsible people with prayers. Because we dispose our life with prayer. If we want to have a systematiclife , we must pray.

By Mustafa Kalfa