Hello my friends !I will try to do one of the most difficult things in our lives, explaining "The Love".It is very difficult because a lot of people can't say their love to other people .So you usually can't understand what the love is.

Lots of people tried to explain The Love. For example Carter Heyward says : "The Love is a polling.It's not simple or certainly a logical polling."
And Antonie Bret says: "First breath of life is last breath of logic.So we understand , The Love is not always correct decision.But they shape our lives."

I think The Love is to remember him/her when you wake up, to think him/her everytime, to want to be with him/her momently, not being able to talk, having fast heartbeats near him/her.And even not being able to express our love to him/her.Some people say "I love you" because they have memorized.But some people can't say it because they really love.Because they are afraid of rejection.Becase they are always shy towards him/her, because they carry him/her love in their hearts.But they forget a thing, the person, they love, will not always be there.So they should take action as soon as possible.Our prophet hadrat Mohammad says : "If you love someone, say that you love him/her."

If you are a lover, The Love is the most indescribable feeling for you.But if summarizing is necessary with a few sentences.I think The Love is never giving up.Because giving up is losing, and even worse than it, accepting to lose.I think THE LOVE IS LOVING WHO DOESN'T LOVE YOU..

Mustafa Kalfa