Have you ever collected something in your life ? I think it’s an enjoyable thing to do. And it is only collecting something what person desire or want. Many objects can be collected. People even can earn money by selling them in the future.

    And this hobby gives patience to people. Because objects can take a long time to collect.  For example , think of a person who collects vintage cars . It's hard to buy too many car in a go for the person. So it will be solved in a long time period. Also people should choose an object considering their budgets.

    The researcher required to be good collector. It should be known where to find the object. And, be disciplined required for this work. Because materials should be accumulated and kept in suitable condition to pass down.

    I think it makes people pleased. Naturally this can be noticed a bit late. Then you love this work suddenly. Your collections start with easy things and go bigger things.

    There are many things to collect. For example , stamps , comic strips , crown corks or jewellery. You can collect many things if it isn't something that can not be found easily.

By Zeynep Filiz Kaya