Hello there! I had a vacation during these 15 days and in this vacation I did a search to learn more information about my dream job "Interpretation". So I will share some of my knowledges with you that I have learnt at the end of search.

Who wants to be an interpreter/ a translator should study at department of "Translation and Interpreting" at university.In this way, the person can receive enough education to be an interpreter or a translator.
Well, how can we distinguish between them? What is the meaning of interpreter or a translator?Let's learn!

A Translator is a person who translates articles, texts and books etc.Also a translator should have enough information about the language's culture.The translator is a person who can understand and tell the text's context skillfully.In brief, a translator does written translation.

An Interpreter is a person who attends and works on seminaries, conferences etc. It means an interpreter does spoken translation.And also if you're a simultaneous interpreter, you can earn money more than the other interpreters.

A person who studies at department of "Translation and Interpreting" should translate long articles and some books during her/his school life.It looks too hard but a lot of people who study at this department say that the department is so fun and easy if you really like the language.

After you graduated, you can work at offices as a translator or you can work at your own house and translate books.I think, I prefer staying at home.Because it looks like that will be more convenient for a lazy girl who is like me.

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