Nikola Tesla was born on 9 July 1856.He was born in Smiljan, it is in South Western of Croatia.He was an inventor, physicist, cloctrophyslo.His father was a priest.His mother was known as the inventor of household appliances among the people.But she didn't know how to read and write.His father wanted Nikolai to be a priest.But Nikola wanted to study engineering.

   He entered the Polytechnic school in Graj.And he continued his education and the language course.He learned English, French and Italian.

   Tesla went to U.S.A in 1884.He started working with Edison while Edison was inventing incandescent light blub.But he had a problem about transmitting electricity.If Tesla had solved the problem, Edison would have given a material prize.Then, Tesla solved the problem but Edison didn't keep his word.So Tesla resigned.

   He used AC instead of DC.He started making the motor driven electrical.George Westinghouse heard Tesla's success at AC.So George W. signed a contract with Tesla. George W. had financial problems.He couldn't pay Tesla's price.Tesla understood that the only way to end the agreement was to tear the paper.So he tore it.His intent was giving the AC electric to people.He set up "Vieles" with J.P Morgan's support for that his opinion in 1900.When he understood that, this was a free energy.He stopped supporting Tesla.So Tesla had a lot of financial problems.

   Tesla set about a lot experiment in his laboratory.He lived alone about 20 years.Nikola Tesla was one of the founders of modern world.He died on 7 January 1943.He was 86 when he died in a hotel room.He left a lot of notebooks.He had 700 inventions.But FBI took them all.