Vice is a documentary TV-series created and hosted by Shane Smith of Vice magazine. I started to watch Vice this summer and I think it's the most educating documentary published yet. It covers topics using an immersional  style of documentary film-making. It premiered in April 5, 2013. The second season premiered in March 14, 2014, and has renewed for two more seasons, which will air in 2015 and 2016. And I can't wait to watch them.

 My favorite host is Thomas Morton but besides him there are many journalists hosting the show including Vice's founders, Shane Smith and Suroosh Alvi. They go to different parts of the world interviewing people on political and cultural topics. Subjects include political assassinations, young weapons manufacturers, child suicide bombers and more.  And they show everything as it is.

 Founder Shane Smith is a Canadian journalist and web entrepreneur. He is the co-founder and CEO of the international media company VICE. And I'm thankful to him for creating these series, I learned so many things. If you haven't watched it yet you definitely should.

                                                                                                               Medine Israpilova