Hi my friends ! Adventure Time is a cartoon on the Cartoon Network.It's about two friends , Jake and Finn.Finn is a human but Jake is a dog and they're brothers.They always want to live an adventure namely.They are adventurers.They fight to bad men for peace.

     There is Sugar Kingdom in this cartoon.People are made of sugar in here.And they are very pure and happy.This Kingdom's administrator is Sugar Princess.She is a cotton candy .Finn loved her but Finn is just 13 years old.And now he loves Fire Princess.

     There are a lot of princess in here. Muscle Princess , Strawberry Princess , Tubers Princess.. And the Ice King wants to marry a princess but no princess wants to marry him.He lives in a mountain an he has a penguin , Gunther. The Ice King has supernatural powers.He sometimes bad and he makes fusses to Finn and Jake.

     Jake is a dog.He can speak . He is very elastic.He can spring as long as he wants.He lovesa rainbow horse.And even He has children.
Marceline is a vampire girl.She is friend of Finn and Jake. They sometimes do things together.

     Finn and Jake's father gave them a puzzle.At the end of this puzzle , Finn had a sword.It is from blood of Red devil. They've a robot BMO. It is small and cute.

     They'll always fight for princesses and people.If you want to watch it , be ready to see foolish characters.

     I started to watch this TV show two years ago.It's very fantastic.My favorite character is Finn.Because he is sometimes stupid but he is very brave.And he is cute.I think this cartoon is really wonderful.

By Mustafa KALFA.