Hi there ! Today I want to talk about Youth Exchange Programme. Do you know anything about Youth Exchange Programme ? It is a particular type of voluntary organization to help people in need.And international non-profit organization promoting mobility , intercultural learning and international voluntary.

       For example ;
       You're a university student and you decide to participate in a Youth Exchange Programme. You should make some researches on the Net or other sources. And You'll find important information. So ; You'll find two answer. First question '' How can you participate in Youth Exchange Programme ? '' and second question is '' What are requirements of programme ? ''

     SO ; First answer is ; You have to fill in the application form about Youth Exchange Proframme .
     Second answer is very long and really important. You need to be successful student. You've got above-average academic performance. You needn't speak several language but you should know  English.And you mustn't have travel restrictions.You must be free to travel abroad.You need to be active and open-minded.You should be healthy.You shouldn't have any illness.
You must find some friends to work with.After the approval of the project ; You can get a big amount of the budget. So ; you don't have to spend your own money for the exchange.
You will meet new people and different cultures. You will see nice place abroad via Youth Exchange Programme. 

      And Now ; Do you want to join this programme ? I don't know your answer but I want to join Youth Exchange Programme.

By Ahsen Karakaş.