Hi guys! I want to talk about my idol : Malcolm X. Do you know anything about him? If your answer is “No.” , it means that  you should read this article! I hope it won't be a boring article for you. Anyways..

Who was he? A gangster, rambler , robber? Yes..It is suprising but it is the truth. He was like this..
But then he changed! Why? How? Of course.. Under the  favour of ISLAM.

Is his crime ‘being a black'? Who said this world is fair? Blacks and whites .Once upon a time, people were classified according to the color of their skins.
When he was 7 years old, his father was killed by white people so Malcolm’s mother and brothers were in a difficult situation , they were desperate .Life was too hard for Malcolm’s family. But after a long time ; for some reason, a rich family adopted Malcolm X (Malcolm Little) . No longer life was bad ,but school was still a problem for him. Because he couldn’t endure these discrimination and exclusion. He wanted to be a lawyer when he was a little kid but one day at the classroom the teacher asked the children what they wanted to be when they grow up and Malcolm said : " I want to be a lawyer" but the teacher told him that it was not a suitable job for a black person , the teacher told Malcolm that being a carpenter would be more suitable . Because back then in the USA black people could not have jobs like that. White people used them like slaves . He dropped out of school and started to hang out with ramblers..Gamble, alcohol, stealing..He committed each and every one of these crimes. In those times black people had only two options; they could either work in bad jobs like slaves or become a criminal. 

After being arrested for one of his crimes, he was put in prison he was almost 21 . In the prison his brothers and sisters told him about a religion called "ISLAM" and gave him the Holy Quran. He read a lot of books in prison and learnt many things about Islam. In the prison he decided to convert to Islam. When he went out of the prison he met with a man called  Elijah Muhammed.He learnt many things about Islam by Elijah and his Muslim brother..But later on, he understood that Elijah wasn’t a true Muslim.Elijah’s religion and Islam were different things. Elijah claimed that all white people were devils and only black people would go to heaven.

He changed his surname with “X” because he believed that his ancestors were from Africa and his American surname " Little" did not reflect his real origins..Then he went to Hajj to learn real Islam. When he went to Hajj, he was affected of Hajj, because he prayed , ate and drunk water with the same glass with white people. They were brothers and there were not any discrimination  according to the color of skin...All people were same.

When he came back from Hajj, he changed his surname to “El Şahbaz”…Because he wanted to live as a Muslim and wanted his surname to reflect this. .He was a very talented and influental speaker and a preacher. He affected many people and persuade them to believe that the difference of the color of your skin was not important and the real difference is your actions. He was later assassinated during one of his speeches. His story proves us that ; we can be in very dab situations and circumstances but it is not an excuse we can be good people and do good things as long as we want to do it.

By Gülşah Sarıçam