Sloths live in Middle and South America. They are the slowest animals of all mammalians. They can move just half metter in a minute. They sleep fifteen- eighteen hours. And other times they eat and hang from a different branch. They can hang by their sharp paws.Their visceras’ position are different because of they usually hang upside down.
     Their reason of dying are usually affixing to electric wires and illegal hunters . Their bodies are usually fifty- sixty centimeters long. They live thirty-forty years . Their hairies point adverse directional. So , when it is rainy , rain drops flow on their furs.

Sloths are both carnivorous and herbivorous. They eat some insect , small reptiles etc. But they mainly feed on buds , leafs and Cecropia trees.They have developed stomaches. So they can eat non-digestable leafs. A well fed sloth’s stomach can be 2/3 of its body. And digsting can continue one month. But leafs provide very little energy . So they move very slow.
     Their pregnancy last six mounths, babies live huging to their moms until they become five weeks old. Especially they dwell on palm trees. Newborn sloths climb very well like their parents. And occasional their reason of dying is falling . And usually females have a baby in a year.

     I think sloths are very cute and wonderful. Some people think like that sloths are very lazy and offcast. But it’s not true. All alives are important. And also they are peaceful and calm. I know that they are the most harmless animals to environment. If they were pets , I want to have a sloth. Because I like them.

By Mustafa Kalfa