I want to say that I don't believe horoscopes, before this article.But they are really effective on some of our attributes.But all of them aren't true.

If a person borns between of 23 July and 23 August, his horoscope becomes Leo.Namely middle of the summer.So the sun effects these people.They are always energetic and dynamic.I was born on 17 August but I'm not always energetic.And even I am tired some times.I think this is because of exams and lessons.

Leos like to manage.They usually are class prefect, kings or queens in games when they were children.They don't like to be managed even though it's a game.
They are wormblooded and friendly.They can agree with other people easily.They respect themselves much more and they want each others to respect them.So they can exaggerate about speaking.

They are prideful and it can turn into conceit.So they don't like to receive support.They like comfort.They want to lead a comfortable life.And no matter where they are or what they home.

Maybe you can find it funny but they are emotional and romantic.They are offended and they overreact.They get angry quickly but they regret after that.

They are insistent about establishing their ideas.They don't change their ideas easily.They are generous and helpful.They like to help to people.They take desicion slowly but their desicions are usually true.And they realize them.

They hate two facedness and they say their thoughts clearly and they want everybody to do it.Also they are intimate on their relationships.They can solve problems because they have good ideas.They like to be praised.If a person praises them, they get down off ones high horse.

I'm Leo and I listed good and bad traits above.I don't believe in horoscopes.I said.But they are nonignorable.Because I see some of the traits above in people I know.

Mustafa KALFA