Hi guys! Teachers are ones of the most important people in our lives.Because we spend a big part of our lives with them.And just so we have memories about them.Teachers are sometimes a mother, sometimes a father for us.They always want us to be successful people.They almost commit themselves to their students.

Think about that, now, all people in every occupation had a teacher.The teacher brings up them, made an effort for them to be a good person, liked students.

I think the meaning of teacher is "the life".Because people who are parts of life were students of teachers in the past.Teachers listen and solve students' problems.They are remedies to students' troubles. And then students are the life in the future.So teachers are essantial for the community.They are people whom community needs most.

Remember! Whom did we used to share our worries with?Whom did we consult to?Firstly, our families come to our minds.Next our teachers.If the family is the most valuable thing in our lives and teachers come next and that is explains everything.

Is thinkig a community without teachers possible?Of course it's not possible.Teaching is our prophet Mohammad (a.s)'s job.So it's diffuculy.And teachers are very valuable for us.Denying teachers place in our lives is ungratefulness.
Namely being a teacher is featuring at someone's life, recommending somone, adding something to others from yourself.Teaching is very excellent job.If you are a teacher, you bring up a lot of people and also you bring up yourselves.

I had a teacher at my primary school.He gave us a lots of homework and we thought that they were difficult.But I understand now, he was struggling for us.If I like my lessons, it is by courtesy of my teacher.

Mustafa Kalfa